Monday, December 1, 2008

后元音 K.K / ɑr / IPA [ ɑ: ] (10)

后元音 K.K / ɑr / IPA [ ɑ: ] (10)

1. 这又是一个美国特产卷舌音!
2. 发音时,嘴巴放松放大, 牙床全部张开。
3. 舌端离下齿, 舌身低平后缩, 舌后部稍抬高。
4. 双唇呈圆形, 说:“啊”, 然后迅速卷舌发类似于“儿”的音。
5. 常见字母组合为: "ar", "ear", "uar", "are".
6. 再提醒一次, 要发好这个音,首先要张大嘴, 然后要卷舌, 二者缺一不可。

Both the back of the tongue and front of the tongue are low in the mouth, the jaw is lowered. The air passes throgh a wide opening. The mouth is wide open, the lips are in a neutral position.
eg. fast /fa:st/, half /ha:f/ .

未完待续 。。。
To Be Continued ...


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